Active Transportation Plan

The Village of Yellow Springs Active Transportation Plan is an effort led by the Village’s Active Transportation (ATP) Committee. The Plan builds on existing plans to develop recommendations that guide the construction of active transportation facilities, like sidewalks and trails, as well as to develop new programs and policies that support active transportation.

The Plan 
also provides the Village with an actionable road map for improving community mobility, with a focus on health and sustainable travel modes. The components – policy, program, and capital project recommendations – work in tandem to create a more complete and equitable transportation system for all users.

full Active Transportation Plan adopted January 2019

CLICK TO VIEW full Active Transportation Project Maps

Current ATP Projects

Raise Grant 2021
The Village of Yellow Springs, in collaboration with Sugarcreek Township, The City of Xenia, and the Village of Clifton, are applying for the RAISE Grant offered through the U.S. Department of Transportation in 2021, to fund connector projects to each community’s multi-modal path.
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$1.6 million ODOT Safety Grant ATP projects 2020-2025
The Village was awarded a $1.6 grant by ODOT to make several improvements to walking paths and sidewalks over the next five years.  The projects funded include reconstructing the multi-use path along Dayton Street from Enon Road to Elm Street, Curb extensions, high-visibility crosswalk markings, and signs at five intersections along Dayton Street and Xenia Avenue, improving Little Miami Scenic Trail (LMST) crossings, and more. 
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Past ATP Projects

Safe Routes to School (SRS) 201
In 2017, Yellow Springs was awarded ODOT’s Safe Routes to School (SRS) Grant for $65,000. The project expanded sidewalks and crosswalks from Fairfield Pike, through North Winter, to connect children walking to school to existing sidewalks in town.