Water main breaks are a common issue, especially when temperatures fluctuate. These temperature changes can cause stress on the pipes, as ductile iron —commonly used in our system — doesn’t flex well under extreme conditions. However, unlike other materials, they have the advantage of being easily repaired with a band when damage occurs.
Breaks often happen where backfill has settled. When a break occurs, the Village is alerted through public reports, and our team quickly responds by excavating the affected area. In most cases, the break is repaired using a repair band to restore service.
Always be safe and observant when water mains are being fixed, and be wary of ice that may have formed on the road because of the break.
CALL TO ACTION: If you notice any unusual water activity (such as what's pictured above), please contact YSPD's non-emergency number (767-7206) to report the issue. Dispatch will then alert Public Works to investigate the issue.
We appreciate your patience and understanding — and your assistance — as we work to maintain our water system!